Buchensteinwand, Pillerseetal – half day tour
If you want to get up into the mountains, have amazing views and feel like you are on top of the world, then the Buchensteinwand tour is for you. It is only 6 km from the bottom of the path to the top. However, that does not mean it is easy; the gradient ranges from 10% to 20%. That 6 km on a hot day can feel more like 26km, and as the path is gravel, it can, therefore, be a little slippy and dusty. You share the path with walkers and the occasional car, as it is also the access road for the people working at the top of the mountain. The majority of the time, the path is just for cyclists, walkers and, of course, the cows.

The route up the Buchensteinwnd
Starting this short tour in St Ulrich, follow the green bike path signs for St Jakob. When you get to the hamlet of Flecken, you will see the turnoff left to the Buchensteinwand. This is where the hard work starts, so take your time and get into a rhythm that you can sustain. If you start pedalling too fast, you will use up all your energy and only make it halfway up the climb. Use the various support levels on your e-bike, starting with Eco or Tour. If you use Turbo from the start, your battery will be used quickly. Plus, you have no support if you find the path steep.
There are a couple of stopping points with a bench in the shade. They are there for a reason which is to let walkers and cyclists have a rest. So use them. Ensure you drink plenty of water on the way up. It is easy to quickly dehydrate in the heat when you are expending so much energy.

The top section
There is a hairpin corner close to the top, just by a mountain farm. Let’s just call it the ‘sweary’ corner for now; you will see what I mean when you get there. The road’s camber is slightly off, and the gradient is 20% here. This means it can be a tough 400m until you are past that point. I advise taking it slow, using the EMTB level on your ebike and letting the motor decide how much support you need.
After this difficult part, there is one more hairpin bend and then a straight path to the top. The views from the final bend are, in my opinion, the best of the whole PillerseeTal. There are trees that will give your photo some depth. The view goes right over to the sheer mountains in Waidring and the Steinplatte.
The final section up to the Jakobs Cross and the mountain restaurant can be busy with cyclists and walkers. Therefore, take your time and sound your bell so they know you are there.

Make it a day out
If you want to extend your time at the top, there is a lovely alpine flower garden to wander around. The Jackobskreuz (the great big Cross) was built for the pilgrims who walk St James’ Way. Inside the Cross is a lift or stairs to take you to the top. This is where you can get an even higher perspective of the area. The Buchensteinwand is lower than the other mountains around you, so you get a 360º uninterrupted view. Your uninterrupted view to the Kitzbühlerhorn in the west, Speilberghorn in the south and the Steinplatte in the north. You will also have the stunning Loferer & Leoganger Steingberge in the east. You can pay for your ticket for the Cross at the Mountain Restaurant.

The cows
I mentioned the cows before, as they are an essential part of farming and milk production in the area. They are taken up to the mountain pastures in early summer, where they are free to roam and feed on the grass. By free to roam, I mean they are not behind fences. They will wander onto the path or even sit down on it and have a rest. The cows have every right to be there, so please don’t scare them or shoo them away. They could slip and fall and hurt themselves if they tried to run. Please always respect the cows and let them move around in their own time. This will give you time to take a few photos, as some of the cows are very photogenic.

Going down
My top tip for the way down – keep your speed down. Alternate using front and back brakes as they will heat up and squeak. Take a break halfway down to let your brakes cool right down. Never touch the disc brake; it will be really hot and could give you a nasty burn. Take a jacket for the way down, as you will cool down very quickly. If you would like more information on how to ebike downhill, go to my blog on the subject https://ebike-europe.com/downhill-ebiking-with-confidence/
Take your time – it’s not a race.
However quick or slow you do this tour, make sure you keep looking around you as the views are spectacular. This tour gives you an excellent opportunity to get up high in the mountains over a short distance.