4 essentials for ebiking in hot weather

Essentials to remember for ebiking in hot weather

As the temperatures increase, here are my 4 essentials to remember when ebiking in hot weather.

We all love to cycle when it’s warm; getting lots of vitamin D and some exercise makes you happy and content. It is also essential to look after yourself in the heat as hot weather can be dangerous.

Me on the Drau, helmet, water,
Suncream & sunglasses are essentials

1. Eating and drinking

  • Take plenty of water and snacks. Snacks like nuts, seeds and dried fruit are an excellent choice for longer-lasting energy.
  • You might not feel hungry when it’s warm but make sure you take a snack every couple of hours to keep your energy levels up.
  • Isotonic drinks are good for replacing salts and minerals you lose through sweating. Drinking water is excellent, but this doesn’t replace the other stuff you lose through sweat. This is why you can feel rubbish, like a hangover, after sweating a lot.
  • It’s always tempting to have a nice cold beer on a warm day; remember to drink water, too, as the alcohol will dehydrate you.
  • If you do feel hungry, choose carefully. Fried or heavy food will weigh you down in hot weather, and all you will want to do is sleep. So, go for something smaller and lighter that will give you energy.
  • An ice cream stop is always welcome, the biggest issue will be what to choose!

2. Protection

  • Sun cream, frequently reapply, especially if you are sweating heavily. Remember your face, ears and the back of your neck and hands.
  • If you are a bit thin on top, and your helmet has gaps, then put a cap on under your helmet to protect your pate! Sunburn on the top of your head is painful.
  • Remember that the warm wind might cool you off, but it masks how much sun you are getting. Too much sun can lead to burnt skin and dehydration, which is never good.
  • Sunglasses are essential; the glare can still damage your eyes even with cloud cover.
4 essentials for ebiking in hot weather

3. Where, when and how to ebike in hot weather

  • If you know the area, go for tree-lined paths or roads, and best to avoid steep climbs, especially if they are in direct sunlight.
  • In really hot weather – go early and be finished by 11 am or start in the evening. Another option is to go early and plan a long stop for lunch, then start again later in the day. Be careful if you are in a mountainous area as the heat builds later in the day; therefore, it just gets hotter and hotter.
  • Don’t keep going if you are overheating; stop and take time to cool down. Have a drink and a little snooze in the shade; it will completely revive you.
  • Cycle at a low cadence or tempo so you don’t overheat. This is where an ebike comes in handy; use your power levels.
  • If you are riding by a lake, river or sea. Then stop and dip your hands or toes in, be careful doing this as if the water is too cold in extreme heat, it can send your body into shock. 
  • Leave your bike in the shade, so your saddle and frame don’t get too hot. Metal can give you a nasty burn if it is boiling. Your bottom will not thank you for sitting on a roasting hot saddle.
  • Protect your battery by leaving your ebike in the shade. Ebike batteries don’t like extreme temperatures and could have longer-term effects. If you don’t have shade, take a small cover; a towel would do.
tree lined, sunny
tree-lined ebiking in hot weather

4. Avoid bug bites & stings

  • Remember, in Europe; we have snakes and spiders that can bite. Generally, they are not dangerous, but if you sit on the grass, give it a good stamp before sitting down.
  • Snakes like to sunbathe on tracks as they are warm. They won’t harm you if you don’t annoy them. A quick detour around them, and you can be off on your way.
  • There can be many ticks around in summer in grassy and wooded areas. It is a good idea to check the spots they like to bury themselves in, such as behind your knees or armpits. A quick check of those places and sweeping your fingers through your hair if you sit under a tree is all it will take to get rid of them.
  • Wasps, flies and all sorts of bugs will fly happily into your mouth, so keep your mouth shut if in doubt.
  • Take antiseptic cream with you in case you get a bite or sting. Check bites regularly for signs of inflammation. Pop into the nearest chemist if you are concerned.

Riding in the heat is an enjoyable experience so make sure you look after yourself and take your time. Photo stops, viewing stops, or simply stopping and catching your breath is essential. Find a shady place to rest, and remember you are not in a race, so take your time and enjoy it.

cool off in the water

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Take a look at some of the places for your next cycling adventure. https://ebike-europe.com/routes/

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