1st ebike ride of the season and what to watch out for
I live in the Austrian Alps, so I don’t ride my ebike from Mid-November till mid-April due to the low temperatures and the snow on the roads. Therefore my 1st ebike ride takes a little bit of thought.
When I get back on my ebike, I have to ease myself into the ‘season’; otherwise, I end up with aching muscles and a really sore bum. This is where an ebike comes into its own, as you can use the power as much as you need to shake off the tiredness from underutilised muscles in the winter.
Getting back on my bike after 5 months is always a bit of a challenge. In winter, I do yoga, Alpine skiing and walking; however, the muscles you use on a bike are different, so the 1st few ebike rides can hurt a little. It’s not just about getting on your ebike and off you go. There are other things to consider if you haven’t cycled for a while and it’s springtime.
Before you get on your bike for your 1st ebike ride
Before you even get on your bike, get it checked before you start using it again after winter. Simple checks like tyre pressure and whether your brakes work you can do yourself. However, changing brake pads, a broken spoke or replacing a chain might be best left to the professionals. If there is a squeak or a grinding noise anywhere on your bike, that means it needs attention. Don’t leave that noise to worsen, as it will only cost you more in the long run.
Battery charged?
Charge your battery. It is recommended by Bosch that you leave your battery half charged if you are not using it for a period of time, which is what I do over the winter. So make sure you charge it up full before heading off on your first trip.
If you are anything like me, you will have forgotten what to take on an ebike ride. I always forget something in the beginning, even after checking my list!!
- Map, app or route details
- Inner tube, tyre levers and pump
- Money
- Energy bars
- Lip salve
- Suncream
- Rain jacket & / or extra jersey
- Arm & leg warmers or just lots of different layers.
- Phone & extra battery
- Water bottle
- Sudocrem
- Helmet
- Shoes
- Money & / or picnic
- Tissues & / or wet wipes
Now off you go
So now off you go – remember to take your time. Your reactions are slower if you have been off your bike for a while. It’s better to take your first few trips at a slower pace and build up your awareness of your bike and your reactions along the way.
In the winter, our roads are sprayed with salt and grit. When the snow melts, the grit is left behind. It takes time for the grit to be washed away after the winter. Therefore, you need to be careful when taking a corner or braking to avoid sliding.
In shaded areas, the snow takes longer to melt. Many of our bike paths are through forests, you need to pay attention that you don’t take a corner, and suddenly there is a load of snow right in front of you.
After the winter storms, cones and branches are always on the paths through the forest. These can get under tyres and cause you to slip quite easily. The other issue with branches is they can stick out into the path and catch an unsuspecting leg! There can also be the odd tree blown down in winter, so keep the speed down until you are sure the path is clear of winter debris.
Salt and grit are pretty harsh on the roads and cycling paths. Watch out for new potholes or cracks on the surface. They can take you unawares.
New road furniture – it could be a new bollard or barrier. It could be a completely new roundabout or turn-off.
One thing that stumped me the other week when I first went out was that they had changed the bike path route. It was due to some building and road work going on simultaneously, but it flummoxed me completely.
Dress appropriately – our weather is very changeable in Spring, one minute lovely and warm and the next minute it’s blowing a gale and feels like snow!! Wear layers so you can add and detract as needed.
Being distracted by newborn animals – there are so many cute calves and lambs. Along with some pretty crocuses, snowdrops, and very eye-catching daffodils, be careful to keep your eyes on the path.
Sore bum – my least favourite part of Spring is getting on my bike for the 2nd ride and having that horrible moment when you have to sit on the saddle, which hurts. That is why you should always keep your 1st trip on the bike to a comfortable distance and not too long so you can get on your bike again without crying out in pain.
Enjoy Springtime. It truly is the most beautiful time of year.