Safety on Bike Paths

When you are cycling, your safety is paramount. With the advent of e-bikes and the popularity of cycling in general, there are now many more people on bike paths. Sadly, we read of increasing accidents; many of these can be avoided with more thought and practice. I have put together a selection of scenarios with the potential for accidents that can be avoided and your safety assured with a bit of thought.

Safety on Bike Paths
Safety on Bike Paths


Corners have the potential for accidents, especially if you cannot see around the corner. It is common sense to go into the corner slowly so you can take avoiding action if necessary. Always ensure you are on the right side of the path for your safety. Etiquette shows you should travel on the side of the track as you would in a car on the road, so in Europe, it would be the right side of the path.

Watch out for corners.
Watch out for corners.

Passing people and bikes

When you come across other cyclists in front of you on a path going in the same direction, always check behind you before pulling out and passing them. Use the bell on your bike to let them know you are there; the bell is for your safety and the safety of others. If they are unaware of you, they can easily use the whole path width, leaving you no space to get through.

When passing pedestrians, ensure you sound your bell in good time for them to move out of the way and not to frighten them. Paths are for everyone, so treat everyone with respect.

Be more vigilant if people are walking their dogs; even if they are on a lead, dogs still have the length of that lead to move out into your path, so make sure they know you are there. A frightened dog could nip you, which wouldn’t be their fault. You are responsible to let them know where you are.

Passing people & bikes
Passing people & bikes


Many bike paths will cross main roads at points. It is incredible how many people ride straight across without looking. Remember that road traffic will invariably have priority. Think about how you drive at a crossroads, and apply the same rules to a bike path.

Slippery situations

Gravel, mud, water, oil, or cowpats! Look out for these types of slippery surfaces when on a bike path. They can easily catch you out if you are not prepared. Don’t brake sharply when you find yourself on a slippery surface, move over it first, then brake.

Bridges with wooden planks are incredibly slippery when wet. The best way to avoid any issues is to brake before or after the bridge; don’t brake on the bridge to prevent a dangerous skid.

Wooden bridges - slippery when wet
Wooden bridges – slippery when wet

Politeness goes a long way.

Always thank people for moving off the path and giving you space. We all have a right to be there, whether it be pedestrians, cyclists or people on horses.  It would help if you gave way; it costs nothing and may be a safer option for all concerned. It’s nice to be courteous towards others, but even more important to be safe.

Thank you....
Thank you…

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