Why so angry? It’s only an ebike.

Why do ebikes make people so angry?

Why so angry? Recently I have been reading a lot of blogs from English and German speaking countries about ebiking. There are loads of lovely stories about how people have found a new lease of life on a sport they thought had passed them by. They talk about how much freedom they feel with the knowledge that they have support should they need it. Photos and videos show how much people are loving getting out on an ebike and how much they appreciate the countryside around them.

So why so angry about an ebike? I have read about the darker side to some of the posts. I have to say at this point, they are mainly from English speaking sites. There are a lot of comments about the ‘abuse’ that some people get when on an ebike. I find this astonishing and it keeps going round in my mind as to why.

It’s still exercise.

Why are people are so angry, ncensed or irritated by ebikes? People exercise in many different ways, some run, others do yoga, some lift weights and some people ride ebikes. So why do others feel the need to lash out verbally and in extreme cases, physically? What is it that repulses them so much that they feel it is ok to call someone lazy or a cheat or worse? It’s exercise after all and it gets people outside into the fresh air and helps them destress in a world that is frantic. Ebiking is also great way to get to work and get a workout. Plus it’s cheaper than a car and it doesn’t add to our climate issues. So why does it make peoples blood pressure rise?

Hai bike, Salzach
Why so angry about this?


I understand that people find it difficult to ‘label’ their emotions but perhaps they need to stop and think. Ask themselves, what emotion they feel that makes them say to a stranger, ‘You fat, lazy bitch’ just because she is on an ebike. What has that person done to you? What causes that reaction? Why so angry? You don’t know anything about that person, what they might be going through or what your words might do to them. Is it impossible for you to hold your emotions? Does being nasty to someone else, make you feel like the better person. No, you make yourself look like a twat.

When someone hurls abuse at another person for their choice of transport then I think they need to ask themselves why? I would also love to understand why they can’t control their emotions and it comes out in such an abusive way.

Do you chastise someone who drives a diesel car or someone who flies twice a week for work? I would say no. So why abuse someone who chooses to ride an ebike, just because it is powered to help them go further?

Hai bike, LC Pillersee
Why so angry about this?

So what’s the answer

I hope you didn’t think I have the answers, because I don’t. I have years of experience working with adults aged between 18-26 in an environment which promotes fun, outdoor activities, life experiences and generally enjoying themselves while they worked hard. So speaking from experience, issues in that age group were generally caused by alcohol, drugs or boredom. I presume people who are disgruntled with their lives fall into one of these categories and to make themselves feel better they take their frustration out on others. These are my only answers to the issues but as for solutions, I have none. People are just too complicated.

My advice

If you have ever come across this then my advice is simple. Ignore the haters, get on and love the freedom of ebiking. I’m sure in a few years people will forget there ever was an issue and they will be onto something else to be disgruntled with. We, on the other hand will be outside, with lungs full of fresh air and feeling fantastic.

Hai bike
me with my ebike

If you enjoyed this, please follow me on Facebook and Instagram. If you haven’t considered riding an ebike, then read on….


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